
K-Minton Association is a balanced developmental life sport for all ages!

기사승인 2024.04.29  14:11:54


- It is played in 23 countries abroad, including India, Uzbekistan, Morocco, China, Russia, and the United Kingdom!


Lack of exercise can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other problems. As experts continue to warn, this is no longer an individual problem, but a national issue. To solve this problem, we need to find and promote easy-to-use physical activities. 


Introducing K-Minton, a new converged life sport for all ages!

K-Minton is a new sport that combines the principles of Taegeuk exercise, a racket shaped like a traditional Korean sogo instrument, and Western badminton. It is a lifestyle sport for people of all ages. K-Minton Association President Kibum Park, who developed it, majored in taekwondo and has 45 years of experience in sports and 20 years of experience as a professional sports coach. Park became interested in racket sports that can be played indoors after knee surgery, and studied Oriental Taegeuk exercise, applied movements of Taekwondo, and badminton and established them as a new concept of racket sports. K-Minton is played by holding two rackets shaped like sogos in both hands at the same time. Park says this is to prevent injuries that can occur with one-handed exercise and promote harmonious body development. In the case of exercising with a one-handed racket, the force is concentrated on one side, and injuries such as sprains are frequent, and joint wear and unbalanced growth and development can occur. K-Minton shortened the racket length. As a result, the weight is reduced, the burden incurred when swinging it is reduced, and convenience is increased. The racket, which is shaped like a board rather than a string, allows speed control, making it possible for even beginners to compete in rallies. In particular, the ball head is made of sponge to control the intensity and reduce injuries, so children, women, and the elderly can enjoy it safely with fun. 


Played in 23 countries!

K-Minton allows you to make exercise a part of your daily life even in a small space, and in a large space you can play singles, doubles, and even team competitions. The association is training leaders through education centers and expanding the number of sports clubs and gyms that use them, while also creating sports clubs and making efforts to distribute them to welfare centers and schools. As part of these activities, an MOU was signed with Namyejong Arts and Practical College, and a business agreement was also signed with Dongseo University’s Future Career College.

K-Minton has been registered with the four district sports councils of Daejeon and is played in 23 countries, including India, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Pakistan, Russia, England, Egypt, and China.

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