
Passionate, fun and differentiated music programs attract all ages in Yongin

기사승인 2024.07.12  10:11:17

▲ New Grace Music Academy / Director Eunjeong Im

New Grace Music Academy in Yongin City opened door in 2018. For the last 6 years, it has made a strong presence in the field for all ages with its tailored one on one music programs that suit the need and want of each pupil. It has been chosen by the Korea Customer Industry Appraisal as an excellent music academy for three years in a row since 2022. 


Be creative and find your potential

The academy offers fusion classes every Wednesday. In addition to piano, the academy also teaches composition, rhythm, dance, and music games to help students discover their creativity and potential, fostering musical talent and fun. The academy promotes a wide range of musical activities for students through various classes rather than the same classes every week, and differentiated classes using tablet PCs, computerized pianos. “There are many academies that teach well, but there are not many that focus on fun. We focus equally on ‘teaching well’ and fun, introducing various educational programs that allow students to learn music through their own interests, rather than through instruction. We try to find various elements that can spark students’ fun and incorporate them into our teaching methods so that they can learn something new and enjoyable every time” says Director Eunjeong Im.


Passion, fun and growth

“In my years of teaching, I have taught people of all ages, but the oldest was a 70-year-old lady. She started lessons to help prevent dementia, and at first it was frustrating and difficult because she couldn’t hear well and couldn’t see the music, but I was so impressed with the difference she made by practicing for hours every day and putting in the effort that I gave her extra lessons. I was very proud to hear that she got better and better, playing hymns and later becoming a church accompanist. That inspired me to put even more emphasis on teaching to help students realize their potential and talents” says Im. Im believes that teachers who teach with passion for their students are good teachers, and is steadily building differentiated competitiveness and merit. The academy plans to create a unique teaching method and spread its original music education not only in Yongin, but throughout the country. 

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