
Energy Doctor can save around 30% of energy consumption in your factory with advanced technique and knowhow in ED-FEMS, EnMs and carbon neutral smart solutions

기사승인 2022.07.26  13:11:54


Many small and medium manufacturers in South Korea are focusing more on productivity and supply while less on energy efficiency. Reducing power consumption not only saves cost but coincides with the eco-energy policy of the government. A KBIZ 2019 report showed that of all sectors of the society, the industry used the power significantly more in recent years of which manufacturers take nearly 97.5% among the high users. In an effort to slow it down, the government has been running FEMS (Factory Energy Management System). Numerous energy companies are also taking part in the move and one of them is Energy Doctor that has built a strong presence in providing FEMS, EnMs and carbon neutral smart factories solutions.

“What we do is like the doctor checks up on his patient’s health status on a regular basis. But we check energy consumption and efficiency instead. Through the check up, we find the causes of inefficiency and bring up appropriate measures. Building a FEMS can be a burden to small and medium manufacturers but the government subsidy covers part of the burden and it is our job to build a system as a minium cost possible while efficiency intact” explains Energy Doctor CEO Kisoo Park.

▲ Energy Doctor / CEO Kisoo Park

In a case of turning an existing system to a FEMS, the government covers more than 50% on average but up to 90% case by case. Building a FEMS through Energy Doctor can save around 30% operational cost and the factory pays only around 20% of the whole installation according to Park. The government has decided to spend 1.2 trillion won ($925 million) to carbon neutrality this year to meet the Carbon Neutrality 2050. EnMS (Energy Management System) also is a government project that supports smart energy factories of using more than 2,000 toe of energy a year. 

Energy Doctor is registered as an energy diagnosis company to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. Recently obtaining ISO9001 and ISO14001 for the first time in the field, the company is playing an important part in reducing green house gases through its advanced energy diagnosis technique and knowhow. 

Its technique and knowhow in energy planning and management, consulting and controling and measuring and operation are well recognized and the expert teams are providing a hassle-free all in one solution. Some of the beneficiaries of this advanced technique and knowhow include Changsung Sheet in Paju, Donghwan in Ansan Smart Hub, JCI in Siheung,  Sungha, PNT Samil, Myeongjin Bunchae Industry, Samyang ENG and Jinki.

ED-FEMS of Energy Doctor provides data on information surveillance, status of energy consumption, result analysis, performance and efficiency, prediction of energy consumption, control system link and measuring tools management. Apart from installation of energy saving systems, Energy Doctor also registers the saved energy of its client factory as a CER (Certificated Emissions Reduction), turns it into KOC (Korean Offset Credit) for a trade at KRX (Korea Exchange) and sells it on behalf of the client factory. 

If your business is a small or medium and you want to know about government subsidies on energy saving, type ‘energy doctor (縑傘雖款攪)’ in Korean at Google Play or visit <PowerKorea> 


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